Saying Thanks


While Kylen has been busy being awesome and knitting, I've been a lazy bum and haven't blogged about a single thing. Shame on me, tsk tsk tsk.  So much for my New Years resolution to stop procrastinating...

Anyways, a few months ago I had the chance to visit Sam in Portland, Oregon over his winter break and stay with him and his family.  I love Portland, I love them, and I love all the delicious food and beer I had while there.  I overheard Sam's mom stressing the importance of thank you cards while I was there, so I decided I'd definitely be sure to send one once I got back to New Jersey.  The below picture is the result of my card making endeavor.

I started out with a simple rectangle card with an outline of the state on it, and then the more I looked at it, the more I realized Oregon has way more potential that just being drawn on a card.  The shape of the state made it easy to create an actual Oregon shaped card, since the top left and top right corners are both flat and higher than the top center of the state, making the perfect opportune hinges.  

Of course not everyone's boyfriend's parents live in Oregon (though they really should because its the PLACE TO BE),  but the concept can be used for most other states. 

Here's a bonus picture of some cool signs in Portlandia:

Peace and blessin's.


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